Do you brand yourself in such a way, that your clothing defines you? Is it your unique musical taste that makes you better than everyone else? Are you with certain friends or lovers, just because it's become comfotable? Is the "I'm going to do it someday", ever going to become a reality? Do days go by so fast, that you forget to breathe and wonder what exactly is your purpose in life?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you might want to take a few minutes out of your "busy" day to start being more meaningful. Go outside and take in a whiff of fresh air, if you're along the coastline, you'll have better results. If you're in Los Angeles like myself, make your way to the nearest hiking trail and climb some elevation so that you can breathe more easy. Do you appreciate the earth and all this wondrous nature it's provided? Start with staring at trees or the neatly planted flowers by your next door neighbor.
Be observant and center less from the self, imagine. Do you convey your feelings to people around for the good and for the bad?
I dare you to look at yourself for some insightful perspective, or perhaps a lost one. Oh and give someone you care about a hug today, just because.
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