Point Break LIVE! was fucking ridiculous. For loads of laughs, I suggest you head to The Firefly on Santa Monica and take your friends for a hilariously good time. Since Keanu Reeves is such a prolific actor, they choose someone from the audience to play his part, with the help of cue cards! You could very well be chosen to play a real FBI agent and have an instant circle of bro friends at your fingertips for one night! Beware of what you wear to the show though, cause there is fake blood, you're also likely to get wet, and I can't emphasize the importance of investing in a poncho upon your arrival at the venue. Go see it this weekend folks, and buy your tix ahead of time, cause it's likely to sell out!
Oh spontaneous trips to Cap N' Cork on Monday evenings, I love you. We came across Brother Thelonious Abbey Ale and packaging of beer, we simply couldn't refuse. Not a bad beer at all, but not the best I've ever had. He went down smoothly, with dark undertones of bitter cherry and a slight sweetness to it. I'd say complex could very well be his middle name, and judging by the ultra-deluxe labeling, this brother, is the Kayne of the Monk community. I'm quite tipsy after a single bottle from our four pack, and overall I'd give this beer here an 8.
Here's some Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane to coincide with the good times.
A Friday where I played Leslie Feisty and accomplished a new dishwasher, garbage grinder, and a pantry for our apartment. Bottle of wine shortly followed with the people and a two minute stroll to catch I Love You Man. GO SEE IT NOW! We laughed our asses off and later we had a momentous jam session. Flo owns in poetically devouring her catchy cute songs and Mark just wales the way Jeff Buckley did, revealing his soul in song. Next came the beer and more people came over to join in our festivities and dance right round. 1am appeared upon us in a dark room, where a Blues Jr and Les Paul were reverbed up into an oblivion, Eugene hammered out love into a keyboard, and I owe and awed my vocals on top of the two lying on the floor. It was one of the loveliest musical experiences I've ever had.
Saturday brought forth a morning with cycling and steep incline treading and next came four hours of hell at the Cove and excitement to the night that would soon begin. Peruvian food is better than I had imagined, meaty and unique at best. All the people then went Downtown, where the streets have been beautified in recent years and the bar/food scene has improved drastically. Library Bar... A place to go with good people and have quite good beer on tap, with no pretentious people in sight. Who'd a thought there'd be such a place in Los Angeles?
Sunday Bloody Sunday. You might be my favorite day of the week! Hiking with H in the morning, meandering up in the hills, with Wild Flowers spread about, and adorably cute Hungry Caterpillars clinging onto nearby plants. No Sunday in my current life/lifestyle would be complete without Farmers Market. Yes, I've become one of those food snob elitests... With all the hipsters and people who like to get their produce fresh, and all in all, the fruits and veggies taste a million times better than the grocery store. Tangerines, strawberry tomatoes, green beans, and by Johanna's recommendation, the Flor De Sel Carmel Ice Cream. Oh, and flowers for my girlfriend who came to visit me on her way up to SLO!
Firefly followed... Tortilla Flats and Huevos Rancheros. Blues music was provided by my fav. guy who worked his 6 guitars (acoustic, 12 string, steel string...) and his harmonica friend, who had a case of 8+ bad boys. Why is brunch always so perfect here?
My lovely Bella and I headed to Whole Foods to polish off our afternoon, and it was AMAZING. 10bucks to get drunk and try 5 different wines. 5bucks to try 5 different beers, plus the guy gave us some samples of cheese. This Whole Foods in Pasandena is like a foodie Costco on crack with all the samples they hook you up with.
I rejoice in the world, adventure in the world, and surround myself with the best people in the world. We are the people.
Furry lover girl, you're too damn cute! It's clear that we have the most beautiful boxer in all of L.A., and that's not because all the good looking indie guys that we walk by with Emma say so. I swear she's part human or something, because she listens in our conversations all the time, understanding most of our English language, and does certain things just to piss us off. Dogs are better than cats period. They're compassionate, though I sometimes worry about her obsessions with wanting to eat ankle biters as appetizers, pre-dinner runs/strolls. Felines don't get excited when you come home from work, and dance around in circles with glee, as they make a flurry of beats on the wood floors like dogs do. I love this girl and yes, I/we are proud parents(bumper stickers soon to come)!
There's something so organic about being in the middle of the desert and falling in love with the starry night's sky. Blustery winds graised my cheeks, and a glass of wine later I was floating... In and out of happiness, pondering the world that lay before me, living in this moment, and the future that has yet to come. Being a woman of my word is something I strive in fulfilling, and when I make plans to go on miscellaneous adventures, whether it be a weekend to a depressely named "Death Valley" or to the serenely lovely Yosemite, I will make it a point to be there. After years and years, well, only 2 years of saying I'm road tripping up the 101, I have requested a plethora of days to complete our summer mission, Microbrewery detours in mind.
This song makes me want to break out my new 10'0 and go night surfing, with a full moon in hand. I need to get back in touch with the Pacific, for it's been way too long. The rush of paddling hard for a wave, dropping into the face, and veering right... How I love Rights. We shall meet again very soon.
Here's some trippy, classify it as "cosmic" magic to put you in an illustrious state.
Pass the Irish Oatmeal topped with slivered almonds, cranberries, cinnamon, and my usual cup of joe please. I had an AMAZING weekend careening through the crevices of Death Valley with my favorite people, I'll get to that in a later post. Today is going to be gorgeous I can tell, our walk at 8am was perfect and I'm pleased the wind has died down. I'll be partaking in a shuffle and cardio morning, possibly rowing with my eyes closed listening to Sigur Ros or cycling sounds kinda exciting, decisions decisions... Do you sense some Strokes influence and a tad of LCD in this song? Or is it just me?
The one part of Los Angeles I don't care for, the skinny bitches and boys. After working in a restaurant for almost two years, submerged in the fashinoista culture of frail thin hipsters and actors oh my, I'm still puzzled. When girls are out on dates with boys they say, "I'm not hungry". when I ask them what they'd like. Shortly after the male replys, "wait you're not hungry?". Mind you this is some sort of dinner date I'm experiencing right before me. The guy seems almost confused, but really, how could she look this thin if she ate all the time? She shortly comes back in the conversation, "I'll have a coffee". And yes folks, that is all Sarah will have, because she finds her appearance to be of the utmost importance! As Paul is savoring his delicious burger topped with bleu cheese and a mixed green salad(for he didn't want to look like a fatty in front of Sarah), they carry on in meaningless convesations about their day. Sarah is sipping her liquid crack, that will increase her perkiness and not too long after, a cigarette will follow, just to assure herself that she is by no means hungry. Coffee, cigarettes, and an occasional glass of red wine. This is the true life of many Los Angelesians.
I can easilyyyyy say Summerteeth is in my top 3 albums of all time, and if I had it on vinyl, I'd dance around merrily to it in my living room! Timeless treasures, I heart thee. Wilco is beyond amazing and Jeff... I love you. Speaking of love, here's one of my favorite songs. Maybe my heart is full of holes, I'm not that worried though. "Will I catch the moon Like a bird in a cage It's for you I swoon I'm always in love"
I will have a whopping 7 years of good luck for all the eye contact I made during toasts with friends last night and have an everlasting urge to dance and twirl around to this song as H and I hiked G.P. this morning. For statistical curiosity, I plan on implementing a study on those I pass by on outdoor hiking adventures regarding their; overall friendliness, how in tune they appear to be with nature, if they say hello with a smile, and those who pretend no one else exist when they are in the mountains. Let's take down those fences people, and enjoy this world together, maybe even bring back disco circles with light up flooring. In other news I'll continue to build my castle in L.A., for this is the only place I can consider home and fulfill myself with the simple pleasures that life has to offer.
We're in Salzburg surrounded by this comely little city, and luscious green hills that go on for miles. We'll rent bikes today and ride along the riverside, passing through mini forests of towering trees, while we relish in the bits of sunshine that make its way through the leaves. Pedaling faster and faster with my arms stretched out, I breathe in deeply and am smitten from the day that has just begun. Let's grab a bottle of wine and make our way into the fortress, where we'll pretend to be invisible, making our way to the top. I look up at the sky and see it developing into ravishing reds and passionate pinks, as I place my lips upon yours, and we fade into the night.
It's Friday and I have the entire weekend off to partake in my usual shenanigan activities and begin my 10 page autoethnography! The sun is gracing us with our perfect Califiornia weather and my urge to drink midday has stricken me. Lately I've been head over heels for IPA's and Belgians, and thank god for my local Trader Joes, and their often cute beer stocking boys to recommend this. I like beers that I can relate to on a personal level, this Boonville Beer is hoppy, feisty, aromatic, and exuding a complexity that some might not be able to grasp. If you're a lover of Stone, this quite possibly may be better, for its absolutely delicious and quite affordable for only $6.99 a pack. Heart you 7% and afternoon buzz... Mmmmm
The stars will come out and dance across the dark blue sky, as the universe swirls in delight. In illustrious dreams, wind will sneak under our feet and carry us to the moon, where we'll jump hand in hand, and make cheese sandwiches deep in the craters. Let's ride the meteor shower all through the night, as I reach out for you tonight.
Who knew there could be Yosemite-like hiking just a hop, skip, and jump outside LA. Get your kicks on and make your way to the 2 Angeles Crest Highway, and have yourself one of the prettiest hikes ever! Meander alongside the Arroyo Seco creek, as you overcome all obstacles crossing on tree trunks and doing your best not to fall in like I did. Takes about 2 or 3 hours to complete and in the midst of it, you will see this cascading down into a deep canyon. It was one of the best mornings I've ever had. Do yourself a favor and drag someone along for this extraordinary hike, that will help you remember that we live in a beautiful world.
To give and take, to take and give. Let's teach each other baby why the world goes round, and why we'll always have our ups and downs, and love one another unconditionally. You'll want to hear my side of the story as much as I want to hear yours. Imagine us doing things for one another just because. We'll lie to one another and lye next to one another, for we understand their is reality in such things, and we won't avoid what we're most scared of, for we have each other.
Lately I've been on the search for the perfect cupcake. I stopped by Crumbs one day and asked the young ladies what their favorite cupcake was and walked out with a Raspberry Swirl with cream cheese frosting, and a Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting. Lone behold.... they both were nothing but meh. Places like Crumbs spend far too much time on the aesthetics and not enough on the quality. So I will continue my exploration to other cupcakeries until I find "the one", in which I will make omg's and ahhhs to, as I lick my lips in bliss.
I just bought my Grizzly Bear tickets and now I have "Deep Blue Sea" playing over and over again. If only I had a boy to cover this song with and a new mac... Aside from that, I'm in love! With the world, crisp cold air, endorphins, my guitars, Los Angeles, le friends, red wine, school, beer, imperfection, and more. This song was playing on KCRW this morning as I was driving through the pothole infused streets on my way to the gym, and I couldn't believe that I'd never heard it. The track comes from a compilation called,"Dark Was the Night", something you and I need to get in it's entirety, for the artists on it are some of my faves. I'm sure you will like it too!
Do you brand yourself in such a way, that your clothing defines you? Is it your unique musical taste that makes you better than everyone else? Are you with certain friends or lovers, just because it's become comfotable? Is the "I'm going to do it someday", ever going to become a reality? Do days go by so fast, that you forget to breathe and wonder what exactly is your purpose in life?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you might want to take a few minutes out of your "busy" day to start being more meaningful. Go outside and take in a whiff of fresh air, if you're along the coastline, you'll have better results. If you're in Los Angeles like myself, make your way to the nearest hiking trail and climb some elevation so that you can breathe more easy. Do you appreciate the earth and all this wondrous nature it's provided? Start with staring at trees or the neatly planted flowers by your next door neighbor.
Be observant and center less from the self, imagine. Do you convey your feelings to people around for the good and for the bad?
I dare you to look at yourself for some insightful perspective, or perhaps a lost one. Oh and give someone you care about a hug today, just because.
This morning as I was stair climbing into an oblivion, listening to my beloved shuffle, I pondered what amuses me these days. I woke up to the rain tapping on my window and the dog jumping on my bed waking me up far too early, Bah. Back to the rain, I was driving and of course only in Hollywood, there would be some idiot in shorts and sandals... Silly LAian looking something like this: I also saw an alt azn man with a whimsical red fohawk, leopard button down shirt with his chest region exposed, trying to pull off some type of rocker style gone horribly wrong, and with none other than a man bag looking along these lines: I often am amused by my sheer grace of walking down sidewalks in Los Angeles. No matter if I'm starkly sober or have had a drink or two, the trees that break sidewalks, always want to skin my knees. Luckily I have yet to eat it, though I've come quite close on numerous occasions. At work I'm most amused when overprotective men feel the need to be the middle man when I take food orders for their girlfriend/significant other. Their large and in charge attitude of women not being efficient enough to make executive decisions, without permission is just ridiculous. Here's a typical situation:
Leiann: "What would you like as your side?" (to female next to the man) Female:(silent) Male:(repeats what I just said) Female:(gazes into male's eyes) "fries" Male: "She'll have the fries" Leiann: "great" Really? REALLY? Ha
When I first moved to Los Angeles, I wondered where the hell I could actually get a bagel around here. Once you have a good one, you can never really go back to the mediocre being a foodie and all. Noah's Bagels on Beverly and Larchmont is by far my favorite place to buy one of those round things with a hole poked in the middle. The line tends to get a bit poppin on the weekend, but with good reason, as you can get away with the perfect start to your morning, for under five bucks! I keep getting the same old thing when I go, Chocolate Chip Bagel toasted with Blueberry Cream Cheese... Mmmmm, and a coffee will do too! Something about a NY Bagel franchise, they do it right. Go treat yourself, please!
Morning Music from Goldfrapp and Voxtrot Goldfrapp-A&E
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.