Once upon a time in Indio, California, my friends and I pounded our rather large bottles of Stone IPA jogging to the gates of Coachella to catch the Friendly Fires. Oh 98 degree weather, we love you... We continued sprints of running and speed walking until we arrived to them already half way through their set, damn you far away free parking! Needless to say, we nestle in the tent and are taken over by the music these guys were putting out. To see a band so rhythmically tallented and well put together, tugging at my heart made them quite possibly the BEST act of the weekend. Their album truly doesn't project their utter aweseomeness, the way they are live. I need to see these guys again in a venue somewhere in my city, I'm thinking that Troubadour show we missed, or The El Rey would be swell... To catagorize them, though they need not to be labeled, their sound is much like Bloc Party's Silent Alarm era, meets !!!, but wayyyyy better. Hearts.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.
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