It's Thursday evening and I've had a longer day than usual. A ridiculous 9am math test bantering on about Fermat and Descartes, something about probability... I worked it of course, and then had to race back to our Feliz to grab my homework for another class, that I had so forgetfully forgotten at home. Upon my return, Eugene talked me into hitting up Square One for a late lunch with one of his buddies. Buttermilk chicken Sandwich with a truffle aoli, portobello mushrooms, and potato salad, I love you. Back to school I went, meandering on the 5 listening to my new mix and a class that discussed the unpleasant talk of rape, I returned home to my lovely lady and Emma bear. Realizing my birhtday party is in less than two days and my tolerance to booze is extremely low, I dubbed Jo my drinking partner for the evening in hopes of building a tolerance. A beer and a half later, I'm pretty much buzzed pleasantly listening to a youtube video of Thome Yorke my buddy sent me. Saturday should be fantastically fun, I'm just hoping that I'm liquored perfectly throughout the crawl and make it back to our home to partake in dancing and cake. So here's a song to hype myself and potentially you up for it... for my Birthday.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.
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