Jason Lytle, who are you trying to fool? This sounds exactly like Grandaddy, but I bet you don't have to deal with the drams you were experiencing with the old members. Kudos to you for breaking free and getting back to sounding good with your acoustic, synthy, mellowdramatic, layered lovliness, I really missed you.
"I may be limping, but I'm coming home, Ah Haaaaaa"
Blacker. Haunt me, hit me, thrill me, tease me. I'm a fan of this song, maybe even becoming a fan of her. Whimsical tunes, with distorted guitar lovage, and her more than lovely vocals layered like an onion throughout. She reminds me of female Sufjan Stevens, but sexy and diving deep in the free spirited sea.
It's Thursday evening and I've had a longer day than usual. A ridiculous 9am math test bantering on about Fermat and Descartes, something about probability... I worked it of course, and then had to race back to our Feliz to grab my homework for another class, that I had so forgetfully forgotten at home. Upon my return, Eugene talked me into hitting up Square One for a late lunch with one of his buddies. Buttermilk chicken Sandwich with a truffle aoli, portobello mushrooms, and potato salad, I love you. Back to school I went, meandering on the 5 listening to my new mix and a class that discussed the unpleasant talk of rape, I returned home to my lovely lady and Emma bear. Realizing my birhtday party is in less than two days and my tolerance to booze is extremely low, I dubbed Jo my drinking partner for the evening in hopes of building a tolerance. A beer and a half later, I'm pretty much buzzed pleasantly listening to a youtube video of Thome Yorke my buddy sent me. Saturday should be fantastically fun, I'm just hoping that I'm liquored perfectly throughout the crawl and make it back to our home to partake in dancing and cake. So here's a song to hype myself and potentially you up for it... for my Birthday.
Once upon a time in Indio, California, my friends and I pounded our rather large bottles of Stone IPA jogging to the gates of Coachella to catch the Friendly Fires. Oh 98 degree weather, we love you... We continued sprints of running and speed walking until we arrived to them already half way through their set, damn you far away free parking! Needless to say, we nestle in the tent and are taken over by the music these guys were putting out. To see a band so rhythmically tallented and well put together, tugging at my heart made them quite possibly the BEST act of the weekend. Their album truly doesn't project their utter aweseomeness, the way they are live. I need to see these guys again in a venue somewhere in my city, I'm thinking that Troubadour show we missed, or The El Rey would be swell... To catagorize them, though they need not to be labeled, their sound is much like Bloc Party's Silent Alarm era, meets !!!, but wayyyyy better. Hearts.
This weekend I pondered why Bat for Lashes wasn't playing Coachella, what I would've given to see her work the crowd, likely wearing something fascinating and sexy. Her latest album "Two Suns", is slowly growing on me with her whispy heartfelt vocals, slightly reminding me of Tori Amos, throwing in subtle synthy beats. I'm becoming inpowered by all these lovely ladies in music lately, especially this weekend. Alison Mosshart, Karen O, Jenny Lewis, Lykke Li, and that one chick who sang in Thievery on Saturday.... Seeing these women work their magic on stage was amazing, I really need to make more music. This summer will be the summer of pure productivity and vacationing to beautious places.
I will be basking in the desert this weekend with some wonderful people, partaking in music culturing, miscellaneous adventures, dancing right round here and there, artistic expression, and beyond. I'll also be doing some real homework by documenting my experience for my Photo Journalism class in the form of a photo essay! Pretty excited about that, we'll see how the finished product comes out... Its been a longer than usual week and I'm ready to get the hell out of here for 3 days, plus we're staying at a resort that has 3 pools and a bar, d-fucking-luxe. Upon my return, expect a full report and some pictures of this hot fest.
That is all my lovelies, here's a goodnight song...
My fellow FtLMB members were kind enough to leave me one of these the other night, when I was absent from one of our meetings this weekend. Today after a hike from our home to the tip top of Mt Hollywood and a morning excursion to Larchmont Village for my usu. farmers marketing, I plopped down on the couch and savored this. The description on the bottle sounds on the suicidal side of beers, but at the same time fascinating. Ingredients consisting of barley, white Muscat grapes, honey & saffron had me at hello... since I'm a wine and beer lover alike. She smells dirty and fragrent, as if someone threw in a splash of wine, but i'm into it. Taste-wise its delicately smooth on the tounge, honey is flowing in the perfect amount, a kick of spices lye underneath, and it's defintely a 9% alcohol content. Apparently this beer is the oldest known fermented beverage in the world, and has to do with that king... Overall I'd give it an 7.5/10.
She's one of the most beautiful beers, I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and tasting. In our inaugural meeting of the FtLMB (For the Love of Music and Beer), we started off our tasting with this here Duchess. Her quaint manor of dark cherry aroma and 6.2% wine-like characteristics, tied to being a red Belgian, swooned me into bliss, as we savored every last drop. Kinda reminded me of a Barley wine, but a million times better. This lovely lady is surely pleasant to drink with her bursting aromas and smooth taste of heaven, my lady we will meet again.
Yes, we're all doing our part through these economical times in saving money here and there, so that we can enjoy the finer things in life such as concert festival attending and vacational experiences to the unknown. Pictured above is my interpretation of the best breakfast sandwich one would get, at the oh so amazing Cafe Los Feliz. If I would've felt fancy this morning, I would've spent about $12 or $13 on such a decadent morning delight, but I didn't. I walked to my work for free coffee to acompany by free croissant(which I aquired from closing and the left over pastry adoption program) as well as the other resources in the fridge that were lying around. You too can create such a scrumptious breakfast just like me by having the following:
-1 croissant (toasted) -2 eggs (cook over hard or scrambled) -motzarella cheese (or whichever you prefer) -sliced chicken breast (or if you're lucky and have bacon, I'm jealous of you) -avocado -dash of pepper and sea salt
Prep time- about 5 min Deliciousness scale- 9 (if I had bacon, a 10)
Thank you small spurts of rain, that made my night at work beyond pleasant to be apart of, I owe you one. Here we have an amazing cover by Mechanical Bride working "Umbrella", like its never been worked before. Oh haunting vocals intertwined with subtle piano, and bells you'd here from a church bell choir like I once tragically belonged to. If only I could cue in the rain to start tapping on the window near my bed...
Delilah's in Echo Park is my favorite Cupcakery I've come across in Los Angeles thus far. I haven't always been a cupcake whore, just in the recent two years of my life, have I fallen for the inner mini cake elitest in me. Sure we've all had our fare share of mediocre, often dry cakes that have been over cooked and smothered with cheap frosting, but really theres more! I have two, well three favortie cupcakes at the moment that I split three ways with the girls and they include; red velvet topped with cream cheese frosting and perfect sprinkles, a chocolate with chocolate chunks topped with an orange cream cheese Jack Daniels frosting and perfect sprinkles, and lastly the German chocolate with chocolate chunks and this insanely perfect coconutty trad frosting. All three have wooed and won me over, and fuck places like Sprinkles and Crumbs, they suck. Delilah's truly delivers the most amazing cupcakes with the utmost of quality and satisfying flavors.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.