Jeff was kind enough to surprise Eugene and I on Saturday night, by swinging byCap N' Cork to find this mysteriously on the shelf. Apparently Dogfish Head brewing Co is rather popular on the East Coast, and to come across this particular beer in Sunny ol' California is quite a find. I loved the statements slapped all over the 4 pack boasting about it being, "Perhaps the best IPA in America." It's likely the smoothest IPA I've ever had, with a subtle hoppiness and slight hints of Belgian ancestry. I could likely pass this beer off to some of my anti-IPA friends, who are fearful of embracing a little hops. Two of these weighing in at a nagrly 9%, will leave you with a Intensely. Perfect. Ahh. filled buzz for the beer lover in you. I'd give it a 9/10 and I'd reallllly like to try their 60 minute as well as their 120 minute next, that is if I can find it...
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How did you not know how good dogfish head is? Well at least now you're in the know. :)