Oh dreary mornings, which incline lazy lucid dreamers to sleep in, I heart thee. Thankfully I have raked in an unsubstantial amount of z points with this here flu, to wake up at a not so late 830 and feel just fine for getting out of my plushly cozy warm bed. Larchmont producing called and the apricots tasted superb, as well as the strawberries, white peaches, and blackbean chipotle hummus... Someone even surprised me this morning, with a simple little gift that my favorite vendor at farmers market brought back for me on his trip to Egypt. I haven't witnessed a selfless act of kindness in far too long. Noah's luckily wasn't out of my favorite bagel, chocolate chip with blueberry cream cheese! So here's a song for all yee lovelies just opening your eyes and indecisive on whether to get up or not, all you half asleepers....
I love love love this song, its so whimsical, airy, womanly, floatacious.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.
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