The art of being a seductive female folk artist, who can truly enrapture their audience are few and far between. There's a sweetly bitter sorrow in Sharon Van Etten's tone, that swirls a Mazzy Star daze into day dreaming that I simply love. Her songs are weathered, like the outside of a 1920's house that has gone years without a new coat of paint and has a forever empty rocking chair on the porch that is covered in dust. This lovely lady even opened up for one of my other favorite folksters, Meg Baird back in 2008. Tell me you don't love the haunting organ entangled with her gorg. voice.
I'm off till next Monday or so to venture in Yosemite, do a measly 16 mile hike up Half Dome, get lost in some falls, and end my part deux vacation in Mammoth with all the lovelies... Living in the day... I'll be giving somewhat of a full report on my 3 weeks of travels in the coming weeks, over and out.
I just might like this album more than the critically acclaimed Thriller, since our girl Jo spins the hell out of this one above on a daily basis. Perfection in the groovetastic, disco stew dancing sorta way. Here's a rather decent mash of my favorite Stardust song "Music Sounds Better with You", shimmied with MJ's "Don't Stop till You Get it On". The lovelies and I danced to it last night in the comfort of our living room, as we sipped on some Chianti and clanked our glasses, to the king of pop.
Tomorrow I leave on my 14 day excursion up the coast into the eh lands of Canada, where we will explore national parks galore, venture through forests a plenty, hike the unknown, read unread libros, climb lighthouses, burn through 35mm here and there, get lost in starry skies, drink extraordinary brews & vinos, and experience life's natural wonders. I love this song, its Anco-esque, old school Cut Copy feel, has me feeling everything but a deadbeat summer. Oh illustrious world, here we come!!!
Why not do two posts back to back, of folky ass covers. She's humble and who knew Radiohead could sound so delicate, with a lady like her slowing it down and layering some good ol' six string guitar loving on it. Though I must say I miss the Jonny. Speaking of Jonny, I performed my new song "Johnny Boy" last night with the lovlies , where I sang my first feisty song ever. It was pretty awesome, I need to lay down so many tracks this summer, and begin to write brand spanking new ones.
Jeff was kind enough to surprise Eugene and I on Saturday night, by swinging byCap N' Cork to find this mysteriously on the shelf. Apparently Dogfish Head brewing Co is rather popular on the East Coast, and to come across this particular beer in Sunny ol' California is quite a find. I loved the statements slapped all over the 4 pack boasting about it being, "Perhaps the best IPA in America." It's likely the smoothest IPA I've ever had, with a subtle hoppiness and slight hints of Belgian ancestry. I could likely pass this beer off to some of my anti-IPA friends, who are fearful of embracing a little hops. Two of these weighing in at a nagrly 9%, will leave you with a Intensely. Perfect. Ahh. filled buzz for the beer lover in you. I'd give it a 9/10 and I'd reallllly like to try their 60 minute as well as their 120 minute next, that is if I can find it...
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