It's really quite the lovely day outside, lows in the 70's, blue skies, a bit of breeze to get you through your day.... But really, all I want to do today is buy myself a bottle of this stuff right above. I could go for Knobb or Woodford even! Being a girl blows, especially when you get all emo pre-perioding and want nothing to do with your final week of school. I also might be suffering from post-graduation syndrome, loathing in what I'll be when I grow up and the I don't wanna stop being a student, cause really it's the best excuse in the world. If everything goes as "planned", the 19 units I've overloaded myself with, will all be mine and the school system can go fuck itself for the $347 I owe in their unexpected fee hikes. Higher tuition with less class time and poor treatment to my beloved teachers? No thank you.
Back to the alcohol, this lovely bottle pairs perfect with a few ice cubes and a splash of coke. If only I had a fireplace, with crackling ambers to sit next to on a cold Friday night... There's something magical about good bourbon whiskey, that warms your heart and makes you forget about mythical souls. In regards to them existing or simply being a pigment of one's imagination, I'll let that be the philosophical doper that we get into over a drink or two...
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