It's all a flurry from here on out my friends, the realness of tests galore, tedious assignments, coinciding with being studious, and partaking in becoming a more serious photographer are all too present. Sure I'm getting er done, but I'm still eluding to my procrastinative ways of doing school my way. Rest assure, I am fully aware of the hoop jumping mechanism's Universities bestow upon young folks (and some of those older folk) walking around aimlessly on campus to transit us into the "real world". I just have to get through this last semester with a 34 hour a week time card of when will it ever end, and before I know it, it'll be December. Waking up whenever I please, which is usually 8:15, taking my little ham on walks to get coffee as she scouts out which ankle biters would make a fantastic appetizer, whipping up hot breakfasts, recording more with my new lappy, and getting excited to spend Christmas with the fam.
This banter is a reflection of my current frustration on life, well only this Monday... As tomorrow's some sort of new day? The triple digit temps that run till Friday will be sheerly unenjoyable and my bitterness will hopefully end by then. God I need a vacation with myself and an entire 24 hours of doing simply nothing, with all that nothingness I'm sure I'd feel ok.