Best Coast... doing what they do best being catchy, cute, and simply awesome. Their album Crazy For You will absolutely be in my top 10 for the year, so be sure you have a listen my dears!
Last night I fell back in love with my photography. It goes in waves, in tides, in seasons with my urge to snap a little piece of life. I also came to the realization, that now with this fictitious business license, now is the time to get off the the ground. We all have goals in this here world, and mine is to illustrate stories by linking photographs in a puzzle like manor and having that of an illustrious beginning to end. Capturing the moment on camera simply lasts forever and caters to us humans need for nostalgia, to remind us just how beautiful life really is. Time for me to develop my thesis and put up a website, and one day soon I'm going to be doing what I truly want to do. Wedding/engagement/portrait/commercial photography in a manor that flows as elegantly as the rivers to the sea.
The photo above is one from many many years ago (2006 to be precise), my father gave me one of his old Cannon digital cameras and it was then that I fell in love with photography.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.