This weekend I got smitten in the kitchen for my boyfriend and whipped up some decadently delicious chocolate hearts. I picked up Belgian chocolate at Trader Joes, among the other various ingredients and went to work with my love shaped cookie cutters! The flavors above are peanut butter and jelly, cherry almond, cherry pistachio, sea salt, and rocky road. My favorite ended up being the PB&J and the sea salt. Hope you all are being good to your lovers and lovees this Valentines day!
Miss Science of Sleep, Charlotte Gainsbourg has put me in a daze with her latest album IRM. She's probably the only actress turned singer thats put out something truly worth listening to over and over again, as compared to Scarlett Johansson and Zooey Deschanel. Beck produced it and likely made it what it is, though these days I find him to be unamazing and bored with his own image. Her being absolutely gorgeous surely helps in becoming such a buzzworthy name and the Uhhhh she swirls in with that reverb has me hard.
I can't believe I haven't listened to these guys till this year! Girls debut "Album" is quickly becoming my go to, with its upbeat-cutesy-guitartastic-uberly indie foot tapping gem. This song is a swell way to hump jump your week, enjoy!
Another little dirty sexy tune for ya, kinda Kills-esque meets Band of Skulls. I'm such a sucker for girls like this... How's your case of the Mondays coming along?
This is the sexiest song I've come across in a long time with the echos, reverb, and grungy goodness oh my. The leading lady of My Gold Mask has a Karen O feel, with her sassy vocals that lead you into a foggy nostalgic dream world.
Icelanders tend to sport pretty cool hats and are usually talented in the music making department, such as this band here Seabear. They have a Sufjan feel, pianoing it up with strings and those build ups that you and I adore. Their new album "We Built a Fire" will be out sometime in March and I'm sure it will be an alluring gem to get your hands on, here's a song from it.
This blog is here to promote wonderful things in life, such as music. If you have any problems or concerns with it, please contact me directly so that it can be removed/resolved. Thanks.